For my son


Big Guy Is 7!

Dean! You are growing! Stop it! You are a big guy now. I can’t even call you a big boy because that does not encompass your true age. This year has been a year of so much growth. You started school for the very first time and although you asked me to homeschool you everyday, you made it through it.…

How could you be 6?

My son, my sweet, sweet boy Happy Birthday! In three days you will be six. This date means so much to you, but in reality it means even more to me. Your birthday is more then presents and cake and beautiful surprises that put a smile on your face all day long, it is THE DAY YOU WERE BORN! I…

Dean You Are 5!

Deano Beano!  How are you five years old?  You are amazing.  The sweetest, kindest, most sensitive, loving, affectionate, little smooch!  I would say you were a breeze, but that would be a complete an utter lie. “Remember that first year where Dean literally didn’t sleep?”  Aunt Mi-Mi just asked me, “YUP!” I replied.  However, this year has been so different…

Dean is 4

Hey big guy, I can not believe it has been four years!  You have exceeded your father and I’s expectations in every way. I do not know how I got so lucky to be picked as your mother, but I thank God for you daily.  Some days are tough, but this year as a whole has been the best one…

3 Years Old!

My goodness kid, where did the time go…and I mean it has gone by sooooooo quickly.  This year, I am a little sad.  You are not a baby anymore, in fact you remind me of this every time I even think of uttering the word.  You are growing too fast.  Tomorrow is your last day of two year old school…

30 Months of Insanity!

Mr. Man, You are surely the boss right now.  Your father and I are attempting to reverse roles with you, but it is a tricky effort.  You have adjusted to having a sister amazingly!  You love her as much, if not more than we do, and it is the sweetest thing to see the two of you together.  You like…

My Two Year Old Tiger

Hey there Dean Davis, You are officially TWO!  Well actually two and 3 months almost.  Things have been pretty busy around here.  You have a new sister coming in 8 weeks and currently you believe you love her (as she only exists in the large bump in Mama’s belly,) but I am a little concerned that your feelings may change…

Big Brother

Hello Mr. Dean, You are about to be a BIG brother.  Any day now.  Today.  Tomorrow.  Only God knows.  You are going to be an amazing big brother.  You have been so sweet, so curious, and extra loving to me.  The times that you have caught a glimpse of my belly and then without hesitation hugged it with your face…

A year and a half- 20 months to be exact

Today you are exactly 20 months and four days old.  You are amazing.  You have decided that you can now go potty on the toilet and have been mostly successful.  Your language development has sky-rocketed over the  last month and you attempt to say tons of words, but can say the word NO crystal clear.  You are so gentle with…

Letter To My One Year Old Son

Dear Son, It has been a full year and never have I known how much life can change in such a short amount of time.  Let me begin by noting that I am in complete and utter disbelief that one year of life with you has been completed.  I am sad to realize how quickly time has rushed bye, and think that maybe I…

10 Months Old!

Hello there my love!  You are 10 months old (well 10 and a half)  and are on the go like a crazy man.  You finally figured out how to crawl forwards and not just backwards, you pull yourself up to standing on just about any wall, door, cabinet, etc. The kitchen drawers have become your rock wall, and the benches your jungle gym.   You…

9 Months!

Deany, Deany, Jellybeany!  You are nine months old!  At eight months you started reaching out for me, and it was the best thing in the WHOLE world.  This week you started to crawl backwards and it is so stinking cute because it makes you very angry that you only get farther and farther from your goal destination.  ALL you want to…

Seven Months Old!

Hey there guy!  So much has changed since the last time I wrote about you.  You are now seven months old and cuter than ever!  You are doing much more and everyday you make your dad and I smile and laugh.  You now have six teeth!  Your four top ones all came in at the same time (which happened to…

Milestones and Memories

You are five months old (well, five and a half). This month I was worried about so many things: Why aren’t you rolling over from your back to your belly?  Why aren’t you opening your hand and grasping items with more control?  Why in the hell are you STILL not sleeping? 🙂 However, so much has happened as the month went on.  …

  • Why I Will Always Use The Ferber Or Cry It Out Method!

  • Seven Months Old!

  • Bipolar Holidays: Four Truths To Remember

  • Wasted Worries

  • Kill Me Now! The Ferber Or Cry It Out Method! Part Two